The villainous Masters of the Universe have been pixelated and turned into papercraft figures thanks to artist Ty Lettau. Download each template here. Related Rampages: Gaming Model Kits (More) MotU Papercraft Villains by Ty Lettau (Society6) (Flickr) (Twitter)

In the spirit of DKE Toys’ “Vader Project”, 25 selected artists created customized versions of Darth Vader’s iconic helmet for You can now bid on any of the rad designs in their online auction. “The top three helmets were chosen as winners, and are noted below with ribbons. Now, you will have the chanceContinue reading

Two evil villains from the 1980’s (Skeletor / Megatron) have been transformed into one unstoppable force by Matthew Parsons. Hoodies and shirts on sale Friday (7/1) at RIPT Apparel. Related Rampage: Portalmon Skeletron by Matthew Parsons (RedBubble) (Flickr) (Twitter) Source:

52baddudes: Illustration #47 – SKELETOR WILL PWN YOUR FACE “This past week all I could think of was THIS, and between bouts of girlish giggling I was able to finish this illustration. I do love me some 80’s cartoons and have many fond memories of watching Transformers and Thundercats on Happy’s Place everyday (anyone fromContinue reading