To help celebrate Capcom’s Facebook Fan-Anniversary, SIXMOREVODKA gave four iconic Resident Evil enemies their own personal touch.

Above Enemies: Tyrant | Zombie Dog | Licker | Birkin

Resident Evil Artwork by SIXMOREVODKA (Blog) (Facebook) (Twitter)

Patrick McQuade’s 2011 Custom Star Wars Holiday Cards are here and forced full of Christmas cheer! You can get each 4.25” x 5.5” card as a single, three or ten pack at Patrick’s Etsy store. Hoth-y Holidays!

  • Clay coated 12 pt. premium card stock
  • Unique silhouetted image / witty saying inside each card
  • Limited quantity

Related Rampages: Always Sunny in Bethlehem (More)

Star Wars Holiday Cards by Patrick McQuade (deviantART) (Etsy) (Twitter)

Submitted by: mcquade

Threadless is having a massive sale going on right now! Throw down the promo code “FUZZY2011” when checking out and get 50% off of your tees. To see the artists for each piece, click the images above. It’s time to load up!

50% Off Shirt Sale at Threadless (Facebook) (Twitter)

Ken Wong created a pretty rad Nintendo inspired Christmas card for the holidays and he is giving them out for free with each print of his that you buy. All that you have to do is email him the receipt.

Note From Artist: “For each card, I can leave it blank or you can ask me to draw any Nintendo or 8-bit character!

Related RampagesMario Dreams | Epic Link (More)

Nintendo Xmas Card by Ken Wong (deviantART) (Facebook) (Twitter)

Charlotte Soileh rocked out a Fallout: New Vegas inspired CD album design for musical artist Radutron’s upcoming cover EP (Preview Trailer). 

Check this great piece out in its entirety here. I want an Eyebot amp!

Related RampagesTenpenny Babe (More)

Radutron by Charlotte Soileh / hel999