Being chased by a brain hungry zombie horde? Break out that trusty Portal Gun, shoot the nearest wall and run like hell! Lee Byway’s new mash up shirt design is now on sale at Qwertee until tomorrow evening (1/10) for $12. In The Event Of Zombies Use Portals by Lee Byway (RedBubble) (Flickr) Submitted by:Continue reading

The Darth Dude abides in Vincent Carrozza’s far out Big Lebowski / Star Wars mash up design. Shirts will go on sale Saturday (9/24) 6pm EST at Qwertee. Related Rampages: Pinstripe Prime | Alien Silly Walks Darth Lebowski by Vincent Carrozza (RedBubble) (Society6) (Twitter) Via: 6amcrisis

The classic cover for William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer has been given a much needed nerd cyberpunk upgrade by Aaron Fimister. Vote this shirt design up at Qwertee to see it go to print. “Nerdromancer, for the Cyberpunk geek in all of us.” Nerdromancer by Aaron Fimister (S6) (RedBubble) (Facebook) (Twitter) Via: synaptyx | the-rbc

Lo Pan gave up his devious ways thanks to artist Andy Hunt and his new Big Trouble in Little China shirt design. Vote it up at Qwertee to see it print! “You never could beat me, Egg Shen.” – Lo Pan Lo Pan’s High Cuisine by Andy Hunt (Blog) (RedBubble) (Twitter) Via: andyhuntdesigns Source: