If Pokemon and Star Wars had a baby, it would produce this fuzzy-looking nerf-herder Pikachewie. Rob Wood’s new shirt is now on sale at RedBubble.

Related Rampages: Guns ‘N’ Portals | Jedimaster (More)

Poké Wars: Pikachewie by Rob Wood (RedBubble) (Facebook) (Twitter)

Via: robpwood | the-rbc

The group of Big Bang Theory geeks team up to take on the forces of evil! Excellent Final Fantasy / Big Bang Theory mash up by Andrew Kolb.

Created for Planet-Pulp’s current “The Ha-Ha Sitcom Show” theme.

Final Fantasy Theory by Andrew Kolb (Flickr) (Twitter)

Via: Planet-Pulp

Sam Spratt:

SEPTEMBER Portrait Contest/Custom Portrait Giveaway!

It’s back. To show my appreciation for all of you following me here, As usual—I am giving one guy/man/dude AND one girl/woman/chick the chance to win a custom portrait from me. Free, no strings attached. Here’s the breakdown…

What You Get:

A Web-resolution (1100 pixel) custom portrait, tailored to your most bizarre of requests. You can get a very traditional portrait done or as outlandish as you can dream—so long as it remains in the portrait format. Zombies, Hipsters, Pirates, Ninjas, Superheroes, Robots, etc. are all fair-game themes in which you can have yourself transmogrified in painted form. Want to let me have free reign? That works too, but I want to make something unique to you.

How to Enter:

1. FACEBOOK: Simply comment on my facebook contest link!

2. TWITTER: Tweet this post by @mentioning my twitter handle @samspratt (This also counts as an entry).

3. TUMBLR: If you reblog this photo from me, that will enter you as well.

How to Increase Your Odds:

If you share this with yours friends on facebook by tagging this page with the “@” symbol before “Sam Spratt Illustration” on your wall it will “linkify” this page. This counts as an additional entry.

(If you enter all 4 ways, you will have 4x the odds of winning)

How long this will last:

Contest will be open through September. Winners announced in early October.

You all are the best! Good luck and thanks again to all who follow my little slice of artwork on the web.

Sept Custom Portrait Contest via Sam Spratt (Store) (Facebook) (Twitter)